java programming

package com.ashish;

public class BextendsClassA extends ClassA {
String s =”Child claass instance Variable”;
public void m1() {

public static void main(String[]args) {

BextendsClassA b =new BextendsClassA();


package com.ashish;

public class BooleanExample5 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int num=7;
    boolean flag=false;

      for(int i=2;i<num;i++)
        System.out.println("Not prime");



package com.ashish;

public class ClassA {
String s=”parent class instance variable”;
//inheritance – class A extends B
//super and this – to call the parent and child class instance variable respectively


package com.ashish;

public class ConsstructorOverride {

System.out.println("Constructor with no passing parameter");

ConsstructorOverride(int a, String Name){
    System.out.println("Two passing Parameters");
ConsstructorOverride(int a, String Name, long MobileNo, char b){
    System.out.println("Three Passing Parameters");

public static void Main(String[]args) {
    ConsstructorOverride co = new ConsstructorOverride();

    ConsstructorOverride cp = new ConsstructorOverride(10, "ashish" );
    ConsstructorOverride cv = new ConsstructorOverride(96, "ashish", 966506611, 'a');



package com.ashish;

public class Const {

    int id;
    String name;
    Student3(int id, String name){;;

    void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}

    public static void main(String args[]){
    Student3 s1=new Student3(502, ashish);
    System.out.println( + "is" +
    Student3 s2=new Student3(503, harish);


package com.ashish;

public class Constructorcall {
double d;

Constructorcall(double d){

    System.out.println("double args constructor");


Constructorcall(int i){

    System.out.println("int args constructor");

    System.out.println("0 argument Constructor");
public static void main(String[]args) {
    Constructorcall c = new Constructorcall(10.5);
    Constructorcall C = new Constructorcall(13.5);
Constructorcall c1 = new Constructorcall(10);
Constructorcall c2 =new Constructorcall();
    Constructorcall c3 = new Constructorcall();



//0 argument Constructor
//int args constructor

package com.ashish;

public class ConstructorCalling {


ConstructorCalling(int a){
System.out.println(“int argument constructor”);

ConstructorCalling(int b,int c){

ConstructorCalling(int a,String s){


package com.ashish;

public class ConstructorDemo {
String Name;
int roll_no;
ConstructorDemo(String Name,int roll_no){
this.Name = Name;

public static void main(String[]args) {
ConstructorDemo e1= new ConstructorDemo(“Ashish”,100);
System.out.println(e1.Name +”=” +e1.roll_no);
ConstructorDemo e2= new ConstructorDemo(“Shrikant”,101);
System.out.println(e2.Name +”=” +e2.roll_no);
ConstructorDemo e3= new ConstructorDemo(“Sachin”,102);
System.out.println(e3.Name +”=” +e3.roll_no);


package com.ashish;

public class ConstructorPractice {
String Name;
float Marks;

ConstructorPractice(String Name, float Marks){

public static void Main(String[]args) {
ConstructorPractice cp=new ConstructorPractice(“Krishna”, 98.56f);
System.out.println(cp.Name +”have” + cp.Marks);



package com.ashish;

public class ConstructorPro {
int a;
int b;
public void m1(int a,int b) {
public static void main(String[]args) {

ConstructorPro cp =new ConstructorPro();
cp.m1(10, 20);
System.out.println(cp.a+ ” and ” +cp.b);

ConstructorPro pro =new ConstructorPro();
System.out.println(pro.a+” and “+pro.b);

package com.ashish;

public class ConstructorPro {
int a;
int b;
public void m1(int a,int b) {
public static void main(String[]args) {

ConstructorPro cp =new ConstructorPro();
cp.m1(10, 20);
System.out.println(cp.a+ ” and ” +cp.b);

ConstructorPro pro =new ConstructorPro();
System.out.println(pro.a+” and “+pro.b);

package com.ashish;

public class Constructors {
char ch;
int c;

public static void main(String[]args) {
    Constructors co= new Constructors();'a'; co.c=10;
    System.out.println( + " = " + co.c);
    Constructors cb= new Constructors();'d'; cb.c=20;
    System.out.println( + " = " +cb.c);    


package com.ashish;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ConvertFootMeter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double Feet;
double Meter;

Scanner Sc=new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter a Value of feet");

Feet = Sc.nextDouble();
Meter = Feet*0.305;
System.out.println(Feet + ” feet is “+ Meter + ” Meter”);

package com.ashish;

public class DashCam {

public static void main(String[]args) {

    int num =7;
    boolean flag = false;
    for(int i=2;i<num;i++) 
            flag = true;


        System.out.println("No Prime");



package com.ashish;

public class DefaultValues {

int a;
String s;
boolean b;
static byte w;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int x=10;

    DefaultValues obj = new DefaultValues();



package com.ashish;

public class Demo {
public static void Main(String[]args) {
byte a=1;

short b = 3276;
int c = 5873;
long v = 6758987l;
float d = 100.12f;
float f=111;
float g = 1.111111111111f;


package com.ashish;

public class Enquiry {

Enquiry(String name,String Email,long MN,String branch){

Enquiry(String name,String Email,String branch){


Enquiry(String name, String branch){

Enquiry(String name){


package com.ashish;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Hello {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int a =10;
int b = 20;
int sum=a+b;

int j = a*10;

float e = 15.26f;
byte g = -128;

int v= 20;

byte s=111;
int d=113;

short x = 3276;
int h = 5873;
long f = 6758987l;
float q = 100.12f;
float i=111;
float t = 1.111111111111f;
double y = 1.356897545621551421;
char a1= ‘q’;


char m = ‘$’;
boolean I = false;
String k = “äshish”;

//System.out.println(k+” “+1);



System.out.println(“Taking input from user”);
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println(“Enter Number 1”);
int a11= sc.nextInt();
System.out.println(“Enter Number 2”);
int x1 = sc.nextInt();
int add = a11+x1;
System.out.println(“The Sum of these numbers is”);



package com.ashish;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Iff{
public static void main(String[]args)
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
System.out.println(“Enter your age”);
int age = s.nextInt();

    if(age>18 && age<40)
    System.out.println("you are eligible for govt job");}

    else {
        if (age>40 && age<60)
        System.out.print("you are not eligible for govt job");}
    else {
        if (age>60 && age<100)
        System.out.print("you are not eligible for govt job");


package com.ashish;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class IfUtil {

    public static void main(String[]args) {

        Scanner s = new Scanner(;

        System.out.println("Enter your age");
        int age = s.nextInt();

        if(age>18 && age<90) {

            System.out.println("you can drive");
        }else {

            System.out.print("you cant drive");


package com.ashish;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class InputFromUser {
public static void Main(String[]args) {

Scanner SC = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Enter number 1");
int a = SC.nextInt();

System.out.println("Your name is " + a);


package com.ashish;

public class InstanceVary {
int a = 500;
int b = 600;
public void m2() {
public static void Main(String[]args) {
InstanceVary i= new InstanceVary();



package com.ashish;

public class InstanceVsStatic {

int a=12;
static int b=20;

public static void main(String[] args) {
InstanceVsStatic c =new InstanceVsStatic();
//change values of variables


InstanceVsStatic obj = new InstanceVsStatic();


InstanceVsStatic h=new InstanceVsStatic();



package com.ashish;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Jumbo {
public static void main(String[]args) {

System.out.println("Taking input from user");
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter Number 1");
int a= sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter Number 2");
int b = sc.nextInt();
int sum = a+b;
System.out.println("The Sum of these numbers is");



package com.ashish;

public class MethodCalling {
public void m1() {

    System.out.println("m1 method");

public void m2() {

    System.out.println("m2 method");


public void m3(int a) {

System.out.println("m3 method");

public static void main(String[]args) {
    MethodCalling obj=new MethodCalling();


    StaticVary st=new StaticVary();



package com.ashish;

public class PassingParameter {

public void m1(int a, char ch){

    System.out.println("m1 method");

public static void m2(String str, double d) {
    System.out.println("m2 method");
public static void Main(String[]args) {
    PassingParameter ob=new PassingParameter();



package com.ashish;
public class Percentage {
static int x=53;
static String s=”Maharashtra”;

public void m3() {
public static void Main(String[]args) {
Percentage p=new Percentage();

package com.ashish;

public class Practice16Aug {
static int x=53;
static String s=”Maharashtra”;

public void m3() {
public static void m1() {
int a =10;


public static void Main(String[]args) {
Practice16Aug p=new Practice16Aug();


package com.ashish;

public class Practice1708 {
String x = “India”;
int a=300;

public void m1() {
    float g = 1.5f;

public static void m2() {

    Practice1708 q= new Practice1708();


public static void main(String[] args) {
Practice1708 p= new Practice1708();


package com.ashish;

public class Practice1908 {
static int a = 20;
int b = 30;
public void m1() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Practice1908 p = new Practice1908();
System.out.println(p.b) ;



     Practice1908 q =new Practice1908();



package com.ashish;

public class Practice2108 {
public static void main (String[]args) {
char c = 112;
char i = ch();


public static char ch() {
char ch = ‘a’;
return ch;

package com.ashish;

public class Practice2208_1 {
int a = 23;
char c = ‘b’;
public void m1(int a, char b) {

public static void main(String[]args) {
Practice2208_1 obj= new Practice2208_1();
byte y = obj.age();

byte age() {
byte age = 18;
return age;

package com.ashish;

public class Practice2208 {
int a = 100;
int m1(int a) {
return this.a;
public static void main(String[]args) {
Practice2208 t= new Practice2208();
int x = t.m1(10);



package com.ashish;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Practice3108 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner s=new Scanner(;
System.out.println(“Enter employee ID”);
int eid =s.nextInt();
System.out.println(“enter employee name”);
System.out.println(“enter employee salary”);
double salary=s.nextDouble();
if (salary>10000 && ename.startsWith(“o”))
System.out.println(“very good employee”);
else {
System.out.println(“good employee”);

package com.ashish;

public class PublicClass {

public void m3(int c,  float d) {

public static void main(String[]args) {
PublicClass p=new PublicClass();



package com.ashish;

public class Random {
int a=20;

        String s = "spring";
        public void m1() {

        public static void Main(String[]string) {
            float g =1.5f;
            Random r =new Random();



package com.ashish;

public class RecursiveConstructor {
int i;

RecursiveConstructor(int i){

public static void main(String[]args) {
    RecursiveConstructor r =new RecursiveConstructor();



package com.ashish;

public class ReturnStatement {
public static void main(String[]args) {
int sum = add();
String sho =caps();
float f = tf();
char g = ch(10);
boolean j=bool();


public static void printAMessage() {
System.out.println(“This is my first return type program”);
public static int add() {
int a = 10;
int b = 30;
return a*b;
public static String caps() {
String s=”Ashhsih”;
return s;

public static float tf() {
float f =15.22f;
return f;

public static char ch(int x) {
char ch=’A’;
return ch;

public static boolean bool() {
boolean b = false;
boolean a = true;
return b;


package com.ashish;

public class ReturnType {
float m1(int a) {
return 1.5f;
public static void main(String[]args) {
ReturnType o = new ReturnType();



package com.ashish;

public class StaticVary {
static String x =”India”;
static int a =300;

public void m1() {
float g =1.5f;

public static void m2() {

public static void main(String[]args) {
StaticVary s=new StaticVary();


package com.ashish;

public class StringConcatination {
public static void main(String[]args) {
int a=100;
int b=200;
double c=12.33;
double d=23.44;
String x = “Hello”;
String y =”world”;
System.out.println(x+” “+y);
System.out.println(x+” “+y+” “+(a+b));

package com.ashish;

public class Students3 {

    int id;
    String name;
    Students3(String name, int id){;;

    public static void main(String args[]){
    Students3 s1=new Students3("ashish", 502);
    System.out.println( + " is " +;
    Students3 s2=new Students3("harish",503);
    System.out.println( + "is" +;

package com.ashish;

public class ThisKeyword {//difference between X and x
int x = 190;//instance variable
int y = 200;//instance variable
static int z=300;

public void add(int x,int y) {
    System.out.println(this.x+this.y);//calling instance variables using this word

public void multiplication(int x,int y) {
    System.out.println(x*y);//why this happens

public void substraction(int X,int Y) {
    System.out.println(x-y);//if define x different than passing variable java executes instance variable

public void test() {

static void division() {
int z =150;

public static void main(String[]args) {
    ThisKeyword obj =new ThisKeyword();
    obj.add(20, 40);
    obj.multiplication(15, 20);
    obj.substraction(60, 30);



Corona and You

How are you?

This is most common question to you from your loved once. They care about you and therefore doesn’t meet you. Sound strange!!! Yes because they care you. Your loved ones.

You do your best to keep corona virus away from you body. You keep social distancing and use sanitizer and hand wash to regualarly disinfect yourself. You doesn’t meet your friends and relatives to keep both safe.

Its been more than one year that you still under shadow of fear due to coronavirus. This is not first time any pandemic hit you or your ancestor but this time the case is different. Once upon a time resources are limited and health care system is not that advance. Although case is not different in more than half countries of the world and you are resident one of them.

If you are lucky one you probably doesn’t affected by covid 19. Now there’s good amount of possibility that your identified person may suffer from corona and cause death in worst case. Saving from this pandemic is lottery that minimum 80% people including you around you will get out of all people.

The question is who will get worst affected. I have seen many cases of people who were young and nice body are fall in the trap of corona and passed away and opposite to that some old grandpa’s who are in their 80s survive this corona.

It is clearly depends on your luck and some of your efforts that will keep corona virus away from you or your body will doesn’t care what the heck is this corona.

You are bombarded by information about does and don’ts and what happened to you. You follow instructions in very first time you heard. You gradually avoid this as you become experienced and used to with corona. Government trying hard or just show off to contain the virus.In my country India 2nd wave hit so hard that people doesn’t get bed, oxygen and ventilator. Hospital are full so patient need to slip literally on road and empty spaces outside of hospital.

Poor one doesn’t have enough money so they choose to suffer and die. Many of patients die due to shortage of oxygen supply. Indians need to import oxygen and supply by cargo Air Ships to all over states.

No one knows exactly how many died because authorised count is from hospitals and not from House deaths and poor passes on streets. No one knows whether worst is end soon to come.

Rich and middle class family tried everything to survive by paying hectic bills in hospital and arrange ventilator by paying double charges. Imagine what poor have done. Some of social reformer build temporary covid hospitals do service to society. At other hand traders and some enemies of humanity start black market for medicines like Remedisiver used for treatment of covid. Shockingly there were auction for medicines and these were conquered by needy patients relatives by consuming more than 20 times price for the same.

Lockdown imposed were one of the worst nightmare for daily wage workers. There small children and wife starved and pain of survive soak water from there eyes. Eyes searching for rice beans are still in hope of meal before there eyes gets close.

In India mass Migration observed very long time after year of independence since 1947. Crores of people return to there native places because wages are dried and heartbreaking scenes were seen of mass migration. Due to lockdown, shutdown of transport services results in covering thousands of kilometres by walking and workers suffered. Tears from little children’s are dried due to heat of the sun. There’s no mercy from anyone to those who fail to escape before lockdown.

Lucky ones get work from home and ensures receiving paychecks every month to retain their lifestyle. Most of others have not same case. Pressure increases to retain current job and opportunity grab by employers by increasing work load on selected employees by terminating rest.

Companies like Tata in India show true businessmanship and give full paychecks to their employees even though all are at home. Government job openings shut down and aspirants have been waiting for more than year to become government officer.

At other hand rich become driver of opportunities and sell equipment and masks and that nice cottons handgloves to community. Many ideas and Personal protective equipment were invented to contain corona and manufacturer like china grab this opportunity and sold billions of product and making trillions of money in this same pandemic.

Opportunities get by them who prepared for them. Many workers loose their jobs and become panicked how they will feed their families.

You are one of them who live and breathe through corona and still here. Congratulations. Keep gratitude in mind for that. Heroes were seen in this threatned situation by doing help to needy one. They distribute food, cloth, masks and rice bean, wheat to needy civilians.

You also get shocks by activities around you and now same you who have enough courage to face whatever would happen.

The lows and highs of mental condition faced by you during quarantine period. Clashes between you and your family due to continuous togetherness. Loneliness, missing get together, Hugs and kisses night outs long drives, ceremonies, birthday parties, wedding ceremonies, Christmas, diwali, New year evening and many more things you sacrificed due to coronavirus.

Nothing got lost because you are here my friend. Everything will be fine and life will be on normal track soon.

Mass vaccination drives are conducted in country and soon threat will disappear.

The most important moral of the story is patience is key to survival and overcoming obstacles. Wait for opportunity to grab but be prepared for that. Nothing is essential but your life is. Remember who supported you and don’t ever forget them. You are lucky than most of the other who gets affected directly or indirectly through loss of health and wealth and dear ones. We thank god for your precious gift of life to us. Thank you.

Figure out what is still left for doing and hit hard to possibilities to make most of them. Support each other and spread hope not fear.

There is always light at the end of tunnel.

What’s your goal of life.

Did you have any goal in your life?

If yes, congratulations. You are one of १० people from १०० others who have some goals in their life. Why it is so important to have goal in life. Simple answer is your brain only works when you want to use it. No goal means you didn’t have anything in your mind to achieve or your time does not consume by anything special you decided to complete in your Life. No goal in life is like an abondoned space ship that make circular rounds around same planet or thing die to gravity of that planet and gradually come toward end by crashing in to that planet or abandoned sea boat that flows in the direction of wind and ultimately ends in undetermined destiny of Iceland or ssometimes destroyed in storms. Your goal in life is engine of your boat that takes power from and push yourself in dedicated direction that you want to achieve.

Goal is required to reach at predetermined destiny. If someone around you does not decide to go anywhere then he will end reaching nowhere or will reach where he doesn’t imagine he should be. To avoid procrastination and other time wasting habits decide your goal first. People around you does not care what your next day will be happens and does not think for second about it. It is your that needs improvement in life and associates your value with life. You are the wonderful creature made for something purpose you don’t know yet.

Goal is not necessary to have and ideally suitable for life but it should be according to your challenging skills and push you little for your strengths.

Have you ever realise where your time goes for all day. It probably goes in some useless social media and time consuming activities like android game and chatting to friends (including girls, Lol).

Don’t fall for trap of immediate gratification that leads you toward mediocre life but collect your all powers and dedicate it to single aim of the life to end up in destination that will provide you lifelong happiness and spends time in things that you really love.

If it doesn’t threaten you then your goal is useless. Remember lower aim is crime. Shooting for stars and you will hit the moon. Bigger aim is beast of your dreams that exites you and little fear to achieve. Thriller and journey is most memorable through big windgusts to calmer environment and you are current that continue approach to your determined direction. A thousand mile journey is start with single step. Start to approach slowly but steadily towards your destination and it will give you immense pleasure. Not destiny but journey give you real happiness. Relate it to the sex. Why are doing that. For ejaculation of sperms. Did you feel any joy after you finish sex. Absolutely not. Happiness is in process and your journey towards sprinkle sperms out of your penis and this journey really gives you joy. So remember decide your goal and start approach it as soon as you decide your destiny. Believe me it will give you real joy of achievement step by step through journey.

Unfold your hidden talents and creativity through something that is invisible and you probably don’t know how to achieve but know what to do but doesn’t know how to do it. By continuous trying you will gradually learn what to do. Behave like warrior who never quite their goal and achieve. If your desire is strong enough then no one can break you. You are the only person in this world who can defeat yourself. No other human have supepower like you.

Divide your journey in to the section and by reaching one spot of the hill you can see your next crescent. Crescent by crescent you progress and at one point you reach to point where you didn’t believe once upon a time.

See dreams, that will come true. No dreams no results. Elon Musk is third richest person of planet earth and at peak times he touches top position.

Did he get that tremendous success overnight. Off course not. He has goal to send human to Mars and moon. For achieving this he create company PayPal. Sold it. Then invented Tesla cars and profit from Tesla used for testing of rockets in Space X company. He made it by himself. At one time he almost bankrupted due to two subsequent failed attempts of launching rockets from earth to space. But he doesn’t give up and by gambling all his wealth and every sent he left take a Third test and this time miracle happens and he successfully launch rockets to the space. This is turning point of both his company and saved the life of him.

What is the conclusion of above story is that if you mad enough for your goal you will succeed no matter how impossible it looks like at first site.

Goal makes purpose of living and make sense to your actions. When you know why are you do something for then it definitely gives more meaning to your work. People live for their livelihood and most of them have aim to feed their family at least twice a day for greater part of undeveloped country.

Do you have that same goal or you have some other plans. Decide your goal now and immediately start walking towards itself. If you do that every day then no one can Stop you to live your life of dreams. Always stay connected with your goal. People often decide their goal and then forgot to achieve that. This is not necessarily that they don’t have power to achieve the goal but lack of attention, focus and mediocre mindset leads to this condition. You are designed in such a way that you can progress in your life as much as you wanted. This is universal truth that whatever you want to achieve and focus. It grows in your life. It is your responsibility to focus on only your goal. Self satisfaction is the biggest joy when you realise that no outside applause and fake praise by people can’t give you satisfaction.

Most of people born, live and die without purpose. Don’t know what is the aim of life after their death also. Many people doesn’t know what are there skills and without knowing one’s own speciality they died one day. Wasting self talent.

I know everyone doesn’t born genius but continuous efforts will turn the tables. Picaso once walk down on street suddenly one lady approach him and requested to make one painting for her with Picaso sign. Picaso lift one 4 by 6 inch paper. Draw sketch within 5-6 minutes and after signing on that little paper they hand over to lady and said ‘This piece of paper have value in millions. Lady asked him I wish I could make same painting like you. Picaso said calmly ” I have spent my entire life to make painting like this”

This is the power of practice and aim.

I wish everyone who read this would make their aim in their life and finds purpose of living.

My daily routine

Hii dear reader. I am early 30s guy and married one. With no money reserved for future I always worries about what can go wrong with me in next day. I am working as city coordinator in swachh baharat abiyaan and does not sure how long will survive in same post since Survey for SS 2021.

Best part is that I have completed Master of engineering and I have guaranty that it will pay me more than enough to survive life. There are no plans exactly figure out for my life by myself as I am daydreamer and does not concentrate on one thing at a time. I don’t worry about my friends position in life because I have deep intuition that I will surely bounce one day and wonder empire will establish by me. For others I am mediocre boy.

I need to seriously pump enormous efforts to conquer my goals. I am aiming to make 1 million visitors to my site and I have to do anything to achieve this. You probably think it’s disengaged but what shall I do to engage you. I don’t know it till. The engaging content that is hard to believe is that everyone today’s world is focused on earning money online but exactly what to do for that isnt known by everyone except that 1% guys that earn more than 1 million dollars per month. What exactly they do it and how can you also do that. That’s strange. I have to crack the code.

Basic rule of earning money is that you have to do something that people want to consume and have thrilled to do it. Many more to come in that way as you can pick up this. Seriously saying how much time is required to achieve that state of success floating. And I am here saying useless things to you. Tell me seriously does I do some sense to you. If not then why I am writing this post on this free word press site. Let’s begin. I will create something that awakens your inner voice with me. First of all what should I write. One that liked by you or one that I thought is great. People follow brand and brand has self esteem for you.

I think I should make content that consume by everyone and no one get hurted but add value to their life. How can I add value to your life. Let’s add little now. One time nepolian bonapart was crossing one bridge that have width capable to pass one man at a time. When he try to cross bridge he seen at other side of pool one man with weight on her head also cross the bridge and just entered on bridge. Nepolians soldiers shouted and try to get that man out of bridge so nepolian could walk on bridge but now magic happens. Nepolian immediately stop soldiers and told them though I am king I don’t do any work now but this man doing his work so he is more important than me now and should cross this bridge. Nepolian knows how to give value to the person and his work so he became successful. We should also doing that. Practicing in once life is as per his choice and discipline.

So I am writing for you but you all know what is twist in this is I am looking to be millions of dollars

You are my greatest assets as it could be winning in the thundering voice and I can smell my victory from miles away. This is the moment that you and I are connected and though I am not good at English still have courage to fight. You are my friends for whom I am writing this post.

Actually I am doing practice for my upcoming blog on wordpress.

I am planning to buy bluehost hosting services for my next serious blogs but I don’t know what exactly bloggers do so I am not dare to invest that 10340 rupees for domain name and blog. If I do that then my monthly budget will collapse. What to do. First of all find something to deliver.

Why are reading this. Just for me. Ok. No more hidden agenda and I have to make clear that I want to become number 1 blogger in this world. Starting from scratch here we go in long term processing.

So here we go. One day that 30 year old guy decided to become blogger just for the money but couldn’t do anything to fix this issue. Then he decided to learn about blogging. Biggest problem is his lack of focus work and discouraged attitude towards blogging. He does not sure whether or not he will become successful in this or not. Sooner or later everything is rapidly changing and you know what everyone is trying to get their piece of cake in unknown and known birthday. But no one really don’t know how to make it.

Yes I know I have to pay the price for that and I am ready to cook myself in pressure cooker and lock myself in room to make something unbelievable hard to conquer and this will make blow my mind and yours also. Don’t blame the fame. Yes I am knowing it so little. Let’s make some grace and shine in the world.

Welcome to the world of engagement. I am Ashish and today I have written only 500 words what actually are piece of trash and nobody is gonna smell that unorganised content. Better we reserved it for past. Now that’s the thing and you know how much vocabulary does I have to fill voids or say trash bin of this blog post. Reply me number of jokes and other number of words I have been used.

Repeated use of words shows that I don’t have much vocabulary in my arch and you probably have to read same word again and again. Regain your grounds and recreational areas of your mind awakes and telling you that crawl pages. Google crawl the pages and you should allow them to crawl. Biggest answer to alll this is is really your post valuable that everyone should see it clearly. Google rankings is wonderful game and winners takes it all by just churning few posts daily at the price tag of lakhs of rupees per day. Continuously improvement in your blog required for your reference in the other people gossiping. Should generate backlink to your website and eventually you will rank high.

Due to coronavirus high fight with words is produce in the home. Just because I cough on my wife she angry on me. I accept it and in mood of feel sorry about that. Suddenly her brother came in to action and started desgusting me. This is very disappointed by me. Yes off course I should not cough at her but the reason was different and in the kitchen there were cooking of chapati was ongoing and due to chapatis smoke I have to cough. That’s enough for starting quarraling between us not because of wife but her brother. I strongly disagree with overall situation and with sad mind don’t have mood for doing anything amid this. All fault was bear to me. Ok if they think I have corona carrier then let them think in that way.

At work I have done some mixed job satisfaction because I prepare some answers to task given by CO sir and then at evening stay at work late. By the end of the day I am satisfied with my work. There are some trouble but after discussion with colleagues everything is fine.

At evening 8:30 PM I reach to home and wife already done meal for me and her brother. We ate chapati and dal with rice and tasty chutny of hot chillies and garlic with peanut.

Now I am writing this blog. Tomorrow I will take sign on my salary voucher and will collect cheque also if possible by day after tomorrow. Now I am planning to present some information and story type discriptive blog posts for you that will enhance your experience with me and should engage you. Writing blog post is like telling stories to you. I should make sure it is entertainer and adds value to your life. Because at the end it’s you and me who will share the common experience between us. So my dear reader I am writing this for you.

As you read this post I am already out of my mind to make new post. Same or different is different questions but I have to decide what to provide you. It should meaning ful and at same time consumables otherwise wise people will not read it. I thought 2 hours per day can solve this issue and day by day I will be better at writing. Now here we go.

Today topic is what you should think about other people mind. Personal experience are so bad and criticism always face by me not for the creating it but by consuming it. Our brain are made for consuming things and less for creating the things. We can create virtually anything but that should connect with the people you want to discuss or they want to discuss with you.

Public Speaking boost your life.

Although a skilled man can speak, he rarely expresses himself on stage.  Even though we are sitting in the canteen drinking tea from the streets to Delhi, many people are adamant that it is very difficult, frightening and heart-wrenching to express such views in front of Mike and Dias.  Speech has always been the focus of discussion.  From the pre-independence period to the post-independence period, we have been witnessing the journey and impact of speech.  

In sociology, in politics, speech made many stand, but only because of speech, some had to sit at home.  Speech also paved the way for the establishment of power and a single speech also changed the equation of power.  

There is a strange fascination in the minds of those working in various fields about this speech on the one hand and fear on the other.  The number of speakers on the platform today is significant, but the rest of the population is far from fearful.

Most people’s concepts of speech, conversation and lecture are also vague.  It is also important to clearly articulate the concepts of those who look at it from the perspective that it is not our province.  

All of them are looking at these concepts as per their convenience.  As a result they appeared to call speech a lecture as a conversation, and conversation a speech.  This is where the journey of real speech learning begins.  Speech is not a lecture, a lecture is not a speech and a conversation is never a lecture or a speech.  Before learning ‘speech’, these small concepts in the mind need to be clarified.  At home, in the office, among friends, or even during an interview, the act of speaking is called ‘conversation’.  In a program, a guest who holds a mic in his hand for at least twenty minutes is talking.  A ‘lecture’ is a speaker who speaks for more than thirty minutes in order to elaborate and order the subject matter given by the organizers.

What should students or aspirants learn first from conversations, speeches and lectures?  The straightforward answer to this question is that before mastering the above three things and wanting to learn them, one should first acquire the virtue of ‘listening’.  

Of course, if you want to look at it in order, you have to look at listening skills, reading skills, communication skills and speech skills.  Good speech should be followed by good listening.  Whether it is a variety of lectures or a thought expressed by others, it should be listened to calmly, in unison.  Once you get into the habit of listening well, you should be able to read well.  It should also be noted that broadening the scope of knowledge and expanding the perimeter of thought further enhances speech skills.

Another important point is that the one who gets the best ‘speech’ is the one who gets his own ‘brand ambassador’.  There is no need to depend on others to spread the word about one’s work.  Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.  

At the administrative level a lot of officers do a good job.  Top and middle officials have the opportunity to review their work in front of their superiors or even in public. Many teachers and entrepreneurs are no exception. 

 It will not work unless you put aside the shortcomings of the thoughts about the speech. For example, Nation government work will carried out by many only after the prime minister speech about governance activity, started talking about the changes in the nation in their speeches.  

You need to look at speech skills from the perspective of opportunity, knowing that no one else will come to tell us what we are doing unless we speak about it before your audience. 

Famous Inspector General of Police Vishwas Nangre-Patil in his speech on the success story behind his success. Presented to the youth through lectures.  All the youth were attracted to his eloquence along with his excellent workmanship, from which many took inspiration and achieved success. 

To give an example outside the Indian country, the key to the success of former Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill was the speech.  Churchill saw the speech as an opportunity.  The occasion of this opportunity given to Churchill is very interesting.  

Winston Churchill had gone to meet Middleton, the Conservative party’s manager, to seek candidacy in the parliament elections.  During the meeting, Winston expressed his inability to meet the conditions for candidacy.  Winston then decided to make campaign speeches for others in the election without being frustrated by the lack of candidacy.  

He was also getting paid for this speech.  Winston also proved his influence in politics by inheriting the political legacy of his father, Rudolph Churchill.  For the next 65 years, he maintained his influence in local politics.  In this, his speech skills were the biggest plus. 

King Alexander

King Alexander the Great, who set out to conquer the world, was an expert in warfare.  In addition to martial arts, King Alexander had mastered the art of speech, and he had been trained by Aristotle.  That is why King Alexander was able to create consciousness in the fallen armies.

After reading the characters of people who have gone to great heights due to speech, You will definitely awaken the desire to become proficient in it.  You should try to do it rather than avoiding ‘speech’ as a whole.  In the early stages of sweating, chest tightness, trembling of the legs, trembling of the voice, mispronunciation of words due to fear of words while going to the pulpit (platform).  

You will experience this fear shriving through your body during the first four or five speeches.  So why leave it this way?  No trying to public Speaking at all.  Explaining how to overcome fear, Marshall Folk Cow, commander of the Allied Powers in World War I, said, “Invasion is the best defense.  You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.”  Once this stage is crossed, there is nothing easier than a speech.

  Public Speaker in today’s world says “I felt that there was something close to speaking, if my mind was filled, I had a word and thought in my mind that there is nothing so easy to speak in this world. Now where to bring words to speak?  The words that come out of the fingertips are stuck in the lips (In case of social Media Chatting). You have eyes and if these eyes stay fixed on the pages of the book for a long time instead of the screen on the mobile, then these words will be found and also the word power will be formed.

Holy saint Tukaram Maharaj wants to tell that weapons, wealth, life are all in these words.  That is why every word that comes out of the speech is invaluable. It is more convenient to worship these words in the speech.  There are a lot of good speaking officers and employees on the occasion. People in government offices should be able to speak very well, because they are in touch with the people on a daily basis.  There are skills that you don’t take seriously  Have to say.  From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true love begins!  Try to give speeches wherever possible.

Public speaking does not include only show off in big big or small events but also write on digital platforms like facebook, Twitter and blogs also. Because today’s world become less paperless and more digital you have to modify your self to adjust current trends and technology savied people will only rule this exaggerated pace of speech.

One thing all public speakers must remember that although you have freedom of speech you should never use this against any individual to body shaming, Color, Religion, and ones personal life. If you do this for fame remember that you will survive for very short period of time and sooner your image in public will become blurry rather than that shiny star who rule the public speaking for decades. My advice to all you who wants to become public speaking about anything, Read… a lot about subject you want to public speak. Analyse current trends in social media or community perspective of same subject. Take an survey of your dear ones and strange people what they think on that and finally make your draft of public speech.

In early years you will not succeed much because you are not that so famous in public so don’t worry. Keep going and eventually you will grab traction in your field and catch the fruits when they rip by your continuous efforts of feeding your desire to become public speaker.

Honest at work makes your life better (And Mind Also)

Hello friend. Do you love your work How you see your work? Is this is something horrible to you or you take it as a challenge? You must now think why I am asking so much question to you about your work. Because I want to give you insights about your attitude towards work.

Yes, there is a lot of pressure that might blast your head and your heart pumps blood at double speed. Have you ever think about what will be the end result of all that after 6 months of 1 year. Your salary does matter, yes you work for that. But what’s more important is the product of your thoughts that has developed in that 1-year span. Your experience depends upon your attitude and how much your heart and soul was involved in your work.

If you notice that someone become a manager at 30 and another guy retired as a worker. No matter what your job is that will kill your time the same amount as everyone does. The difference in you and everyone else is how you apply your skills and engage your mind your tasks. How you use your productivity, problem-solving attitude, interpersonal skills and your unique strengths.

Forget politics and nepotism in your office. It is everywhere and only an honest person can get out of it without paint there hands in mud.

Do you feel a sense of satisfaction after you return to home from your office. If the answer is no then you definitely lose all the self-driven abilities and self-applying dive in approach in your life. Your honest time consumed at work gives a sense of self awareness and you start value yourself. This build up extra skills required to go for that extra mile in every aspect of life.

You sleep with a piece because you know that you have added value to your organisation. Ultimately people start noticing you and you go to your next level.

Your work experience is your key assets in this world of fast pace life. If you doing your work at your best then you soon realise you are getting perfect in your field and this create a character that can smell by your employer and colleagues that they start respecting you and your authority build up via these smaller things that gradually makes big change in your life.

Sooner or latter you will face harsh realities of life then why don’t you prepare for this in advance. Being honest to your work comes with precondition that you are quick doer and avoids procrastination. This will make good money in your pocket and automatically you can utilise this for your good health. One success triggers other and second triggers third. This is chain reaction like an Automic bomb. Keep try to achieve your first success and then things become easy day by day. Keep yourself updated and prompt but take it to your own pace other wise you will burn yourself in this and everything finishes off.

Main reason to work in life is not that work done but what is the result of that work. Scientists experiment day and night not for all that failures but for there desired outputs. That’s not mean that they hate the all failed attempts but they see their failures as stepping stones towards success and eventually find it latter or sooner.

Do you know that famous android game Candy Crush Saga that is played by crores of people and every month there are billions of rounds played by worldwide players on mobile or PC. What is the success formula of this legendary game. They teach and give feeling of achievement to the player. People brain is programmed for desire to feeling of achievement. This can be come from anything. As you win one level you feel that happiness and to increase this happiness more you play the second level, this also continue for third and before you know you had been addicted to this game. Our brain demands continue feeling of happiness, satisfaction or feeling of achievement. To relieve stress your mind should be engaged in activities that are take your attention away from stressful things to pleasurable things.

Find your pleasure in more meaningful way and find happiness in your work. No matter how bad is your boss or so called toxic environment around you. You have to think and rethink circumstances around you by making changes in your attitude.

Disciplines make it easy to live

Discipline makes it easy to live.

What you see in this picture

You will Notice that everything in this world needs an entirely should have disciplines. This world often have different mindset.

If you want to start blogging this need some niche topic that you want to share with. You will share the things that you love to communicate. You may expert or beginner in this field but you should continuously do this as par the required conditions demand by your audience.

Next is you want to earn something out of that so better keep an eye on the audience you deliver content should have aim to convert them to buyers. If you convince your readers to buy the products or services that actually good and have value for money then you will win the game of blogging.

Lets come to choose a niche, research in the market what is in trending or will come in trending as par the technology changes for every 4-5 years and trends are also changes so be careful your choosen niche will sustain at least 5 years in future and yield great potential to earn.

Suppose I want to make career in blogging then on which points I will make firm decisions to make my Blog skyrocket. Work hard to digest big monster inside you to repair your present condition. You should not be have any condolences after seeing back in to your life and think I wish have done……

Do it now. Now I am really confusing what to tell you as I am new to blogging and I don’t know what to do so I am practicing about how to write articles for blogs. Keep replying me how I am done because your love and support will make me bigger author one day.

Honestly saying I have never been written a single word Before this blog post seriously. Not that seriously but seriously. I have aim to gain thousands of dollars every month and getting that lambo car with income from my Blog. Sounds funny to you. Yes it is true. May I travel to other end of the world with this simple post of blogs. This is so strange why some authors make so much money from blog and why can’t I. Because they have knowledge of that and I don’t. Problem with me is that I don’t want to invest in this career so now I am writing this senseless posts on wordpress free blog site.

Disciplines help you making money and money never comes free so it is worth to be disciplined guy than live poor life. We criticise rich people about their behaviour towards needy and poor and sometimes greedy people. But don’t you notice their hard work for this condition in their life. Understand my friend you will not succeed overnight and live king-size life unless you pay for it. Everything is comes with price tag and this applies to everyone. Whatever it takes to achieve it do that shit. World respect power, money. Those things are most powerful that anyone have this two things rule the world.

If you have enough money then only your wife will respect you. Your parents will never call you unless you are packed with money bags. Your brother, sister and cousine or uncle’s all does not need you but needs your money. So live with disciplines, earn some decent money and live balanced life.

I request you please understand that. You are my future bread and butter to live with and don’t want to disappoint you in future. Suggest me topics I can write about and give me comments. Thank You.

Do daily Post on your blog

Why it is so important to post regularly on your blog? Have you ever know that making something daily makes you master in that. Everything you do daily is the routine work to do and you get habit of that. For become great blogger or writer you should write daily.

Better say by our teachers that write something daily. That unfolds your inner person. Be honest about the your thoughts and write from your heart. No matter how bad or good you are at you should write anything you known about. Writing gives you daily dose of thought digester.

Another benefit is that you will become effective and good at writing day by day and once you cross that 10 post milestone you will notice difference between your first post and 10th. Things developed slowly and at your own pace.

All great writers are not born with special skills or inborn talent but it is result of their continuous efforts and sheer determination of their current status.

There is famous story about picaso that you might have been heard about. One day picaso met with lady who requests them to draw something for her. Picaso pick up little paper and draw a picture in matter of minute. Picaso hold that paper to lady and told me this picture is worth thousands of dollars. Lady can’t believe and go to one painting dealer to find price of that picture and shocked by realising what picaso told him was right. She returned to picaso and asked how can you make thousands of dollars picture in just one minute. Picaso replied was lesson to all of us. They answer to lady “what you see in minute of my work cost me practice of 30 years.”

What you learn from above story? To be an expert you have to pay the cost of your dedicated time and energy in that field. You will become definitely expert in writing if you write daily. Some great bloggers now are once write one sentence daily and now write thousands of words blog posts.

My friend everything requires patience and determination. If you have those qualities then no one can stop you from doing great. Be honest to your self at what you are doing to achieve your goals. Do only one thing being honest to your self will give you deep insights what you do wrong and what need to be corrected.

Start small by writing small posts and gradually increase length of posts. Ensure your readers will add value to their life by reading your posts. Try to blend your personal experience. Most important thing is that don’t copy anybody and be your self. People will love you if you are honest. Just honest!

When you write blog posts remember you are communicating with your audience. Though you are not physically present to them but your thoughts will be. Be pure and open your self to your audience. Happy writing. Thank you for reading my post.

What makes you giggle in serious situation.

Hi, have you ever face the situation when there is a serious situation but you have to giggle because of your different view to see that. The person before you may have in a serious situation but your level of thinking horizon may be at a different level that doesn’t match with the deepness of that drama.

You have that one friend who always in serious mode and you know that very well so you already anticipated for that situation. Not all but in cases, he may actually in trouble but that may sound funny to you.

It’s the difference between you and your friend’s thoughts to think on the same situation. This may lead to a misunderstanding of the person before you and thinking that you make fun of them.

The safest way to handle this situation is to cough when you feel a giggle. Funny but it is the lifesaver trick you may use in any situation where you should not giggle but have to.

What is swacch Bharat Mission

Am I only one who thinks swachh Bharat Abhiyan should implement in each and every city and Zone. Government of India do each and every step to maintain cleanliness in the city and implement best practices to teach citizens the importance of cleanliness.

Honestly speaking I have worked as City Coordinator in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Several measures are there in respect of norms in solid waste management. All these are aiming towards the safe environment ♻️ and proper hygiene in residential and public areas.

Most of the citizen’s don’t know what going on in entire swachh sarvekshan. Government take many measures to involve citizens and educating about their roles and responsibilities in keeping their city clean.

Do you know your roles and responsibilities in keeping your city clean?

1️⃣ Keep your city clean by not throwing garbage here and there 🚯

2️⃣ Ensure you segregate your daily waste in wet waste and dry waste.

3️⃣ Give your waste only to Ghantagadi (That van come to your home daily to pick up your waste.

4️⃣ Use Swachhta App and raise complain if there is waste scattered in your area. Complain via the app if Garbage van doesn’t come to take your waste.

5️⃣ Take part in Events promoting Cleanliness Drive in your area.

6️⃣ Ask for a dustbin to dispose Empty Dish of any waste after eating that panipuri or Wadapav from Bhaiyas the.

7️⃣ Please give Sanitary waste (Menstrual Waste and Diapers) and domestic hazardous waste (Used syringes, expired medications, broken glass, CFL bulb and tubes and any waste that can harm waste pickers) separately.

My friend, please help me to keep your city clean by following the above instructions. Watch swachh sarvekshan campaigns in your area and if possible participate in morning cleaning drive.